Monday, November 26, 2007

To Find What Is Yours

To Find What Is Yours
© by Jeane R. Pothier

I greet you this day dear one! I AM Zaihada of Sirius and it is a pleasure and delight to be here with you at this time and all times. I do not so much need to experience time for myself, yet it is always interesting to come to sit with those who read this and be in the energy where they are in that moment.

There is great confusion around you now. You have come to a bit of a crossroads of sorts and are standing there, scratching your head, looking first up one road and then down another. What choice should you make in this moment? What is the right choice? What is the choice that you make is the wrong choice for you and it hurts you, brings you something that you’d rather not experience, or it hurts another person?

Dear one, first of all, remember that there are no wrong choices. Feel this, own this, take this into your spiritual library and make it part of your life. There are no wrong choices for the divine human. There are only different experiences!

So what are you making a choice about? Are you worried that you are trying to make a decision based upon an energy that is not yours at all? That you might be telepathically or empathically picking up the confusion of another and trying to live their life? For these things are all possible with these times. There are very many other beings now somewhat broadcasting their energies through the ethers and the divine human quite easily picks these up as their own.

So how do you discern what is truly yours and let go of everything that is not? This is a grand question, is it not? And the answer, quite simple actually, is so rarely utilized and yet, is always available to you!

To discern and discover and recognize what is truly your own energy and what is being brought into your energetic field by another, is found through two specific experiences. First of all, when you stop whatever you’re doing and experiencing in that moment and simply breathe deeply for a moment, you are bringing your awarenesses and focus back to you, back to your own body. You are bringing that spiritual, intuitive being that you are back into your own body and feeling your own energies.

This being in touch once more with your own body brings you back to your own awareness. It helps you to feel what is yours in that moment. It helps you to be aware of your experience in that moment and from this home base, so to speak, you can then begin to ask your own intuitive self what you would like to know. The answers that you receive when you are fully present in your own body, are more likely to be based upon what is occurring in your life, brought to you by your own guides and knowing, than if you were trying to figure things out while being outside of yourself.

The next manner of connecting with yourself to truly discern what is your energy and what is not, is via the time out, the meditation of sorts. You need not know how to meditate nor even to try to meditate. It is in the process of quieting yourself, of taking yourself off for a time, a walk in the park or sitting quietly in a room with the door closed. It is these times that you provide the setting and the opportunity for your own soul self and guides to come to you and bring you knowing, perceiving and potentials for what you are struggling with at any time.

To receive answers and direction, it is most important that you provide the opportunity for your self to communicate with you! Many times there are so many energies swirling around you that the small, knowing voice of your own self is lost in the crowd. And when you give yourself the opportunity to be hear in the quiet of your own surroundings, then you will know that which is your own voice and that which does not belong to you.

I AM Zaihada and I bring you much love and compassion and many blessings from those who work so closely with you on the other side of the veil. You are supported by all of Creation and greatly honored and revered for all that you have chosen in your life. Trust yourself in your choices and let go of that which does not serve the divine human master that you are!

And in closing I say to you, remember to Breathe for you!


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